Development, assembly and commissioning of machinery and automation for industrial processes. Maintenance in buildings and industries. Disassembly, transfer and assembly of machinery and installations. Engineering of energy projects and energy consulting. Assembly and maintenance of PCI installations: Fire detection and alarm systems. Fire water supply systems.
Fire hydrant systems. Equipped fire hydrant systems. Dry column systems. Fixed automatic sprinkler and water spray extinguishing systems. Fixed water mist extinguishing systems. Fixed physical foam extinguishing systems.
Fixed powder extinguishing systems. Fixed extinguishing systems by gaseous extinguishing agents. Fixed systems of extinction by condensed aerosols. Smoke and heat control systems. Luminescent signaling systems. Management of extinguishers. Emergency lighting.
Development, assembly and commissioning of machinery and automation for industrial processes. Maintenance in buildings and industries. Disassembly, transfer and assembly of machinery and installations. Assembly and maintenance of PCI installations. Engineering of energy projects and energy consulting.